200 ECU on ebay

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Tue Nov 7 15:40:28 EST 2006

Didn't mean to make a fuss.
It just struck me as a bit silly, especially as he
says the car is running.
He also fails to mention if its a FWD or Quattro,
which does make a
difference to the ABS control box.
I sent him a mail to that effect, but he doesn't seem
to have changed
the add.

it is also listed in Emission Systems on Ebay

Anyway, I said, I didn't mean to make a fuss, but
thought that I should
share my discovery, since it had a modicum of comedy
value on an
otherwise grey and dreary monday afternoon in montreal


Huw Powell wrote:
> I don't really see what the fuss is about... that
thing *is* a ECU, he 
> makes no claims for what it does (or runs!)... the
assumption that 
> someone somewhere thinks it is a "chipped" engine
performance (or 
> upgraded anything) thing seems to be in the eye of
the beholder.
> Just looks like he is parting out a car to me.
>> That would be the ABS "ECU" (electronic control
unit) that might make you
>> stop faster, eh?
>>> Was looking at ebay ans found something
>>> so if I buy this super cheap "ECU" will my car go
>>> much faster?
>>> funny though, I'd swear blind that it was an ABS
>>> control box, but then what would I know

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