Again, when it rains it pours!! bad throttle switch?
ldc007usa at
Tue Nov 7 19:00:56 EST 2006
An update on the situation. Yesterday, I left the car
home and did not drive it at all until I checked
things further based on your responses; thank you.
After work I looked around for air leaks, without
taking anything apart (I know that's just superficial)
and found no leaks. Also took off the zip-tie of the
throttle switch I had placed to get the car going
after sputtering and loosing power last friday on the
I started the car and it fired up nicely on the first
What the heck??
I proceeded to disconnect the O2 sensor while engine
was still cold but idling and nothing happened--still
kept idling nicely.
Then, I plugged the O2 sensor back in and when car got
warmed up I disconnected it again and nothing
happened--still idled just fine.
I drove the car to work this afternoon and it ran
beautifully with no issues the entire trip: 57 miles.
Knock on wood; I have to drive back home at 7:30PM
So what's the deal??
Thanks again,
--- Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:
> > One thing about that, I have always used the "if
> it clicks, it's ok" method
> > for fast diagnosis as well. Last weekend,
> however, when I was doing some
> > work on my 90Q I happened to check continuity on
> my switches and found that
> > both switches clicked as normal but the full
> throttle switch was dead as a
> > doornail. So the "click" method isn't
> infallible.
> I didn't mean it as a test, just to be able to
> confirm that it is being
> actuated. A meter or test light circuit is the only
> way to tell if it's
> actually working.
> > As I said, disconnecting both of them makes more
> sense - and so does
> > testing (and cleaning) the idle switch. Just
> take a meter to the
> > connector, you don't have to reach or see the idle
> switch to "work it",
> > just use the TB pivot where the gas cable pulls on
> it. In a quiet
> > environment, you should even be able to hear it
> clicking as you move the
> > TB slightly off idle and release it.
> --
> Huw Powell
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