4000 quattro tail lights

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Wed Nov 8 09:18:44 EST 2006

did the relay thing to the 200 last weekend for the
same reason,
melted and crunchy switch.
not only do all of the lights now work, but also the
result of having
bypassed the old high resistance switch is that I can
see with the
OK it's not great, but i am in less of a mad rush to
fit the Euros once
all the parts arrive.

David Kase also did relays recently
"Re: was yellow 'Bomb' light - fixed headlight

Hey I'm beginning to see a pattern here.

In order to pre-empt any questions that you have about
the autocheck
headlamp bulb warning coming on after you have fitted
relays, go here
if indeed you have an autocheck!
then click on Fooling the Autocheck system after

hope that helps


quattro1869 at aol.com wrote:
> I agree with Huw, make sure you check the headlight
switch.  On my 4kq, it went twice, each time showing
the same symptoms as you have described....then I
learned my lesson and added headlight relays when I
replaced the switch. :)
> Craig
> 98 A4 2.7TQ Stage 2 
> 87 5KCSTQ, Koni's
> 94 T-bird V8
> 92 Wrangler 4.0 HO Lifted 5" with many toys
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