Engine and Driveshaft support

E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at mac.com
Wed Nov 8 23:45:39 EST 2006

> Pay attention to the very meagre description about removing the  
> retainer
> for the automatic seatbelt tensioner cables (Bentley's pg.  
> 34-180-3).  If
> you undo the transmission and try to remove it without taking off the
> retainer, the cables will keep it from fully coming off and you'll  
> have to
> reinstall to get rid of the cable problem.

And be very careful of the little plastic clips that hold the cables  
in place on the anchors bolted to the frame. Mine fell apart when I  
removed them and there are none in the country. Still a good part  
number so I think mine are on the slow boat from Germany.

Roy Wendell
erwendell at mac.com
Too many type 44 tq
A pair of MR2s

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