Bleeding the Clutch Slave Cylinder

TooManyAudis at TooManyAudis at
Thu Nov 9 19:22:57 EST 2006

There's been a lot of complicated talk about clutch slave bleeding,  pressure 
bleeding and reverse bleeding lately.
A few years ago, I replaced the master cylinder on my 80q and bled the  
hydraulic clutch in about 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Take a long piece of clear plastic tubing.  Place one end on the slave  
bleeder screw and the other in a glass mason jar that is sitting somewhere above  
the brake fluid reservoir.  put a few ounces of brake fluid in said  jar and 
secure the end of the hose so that it is immersed in brake fluid.
crack the bleeder screw.  pump the clutch pedal until the fluid going  into 
the mason jar is free of bubbles.  The fluid will flow in both  directions, but 
eventually more clean fluid will be forced out than bubbly fluid  will be 
sucked back in. 
close the bleeder screw.  test clutch.  remove clear hose.   Throw brake 
fluid from mason jar on teenage neighbor's car -- the one with 4  10-inch subs and 
the neon lights underneath.  retire for the evening.  
This method works -- don't even think of telling me it doesn't.  I do  it 
every 8 or 10 years when I bleed my brake system.  
-- Tom

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