4kq breather hoses

Duncan Thomson duncan at systemcontrols.co.nz
Sun Nov 12 15:43:53 EST 2006

I bought one from the dealer over here (New Zealand) on the weekend. 
Figured it was worth buying new rather than 2nd hand as all the ones I 
have seen seem to be pretty well rotten at this point in their lives.

Cost me $113NZD which looks to be about $75USD.

It looked to have been on the shelf for a while, so I have no idea if 
they are still available, but the dealer didn't make any comment when he 
looked it up, so I would guess they still are.


Kneale Brownson wrote:

>Anybody got a source for   034 103 247B   the hose that incorporates the
>rubber fixture for holding the ISV in place, as well as connecting the top
>of the valve cover to the ISV?   My favorite dealer parts source says it's
>NLA.  I have one on order from Impex, but I've experienced several times
>Impex saying they'll ship something but ending up not having it.

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