Oil Pressure Warning on Auto Check System '91 200 TQ

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Wed Nov 15 16:25:02 EST 2006

I assume that the dash gauge pressure reads ok.
have the same problems with senders on the golf and
the PCB behind the
speedo sending the oil pressure buzzer off.
As we all know, the golf is more or less the same
engine without the
"factory fitted - optional extra cylinder".
Used to be the 'high pressure' switch on the head more
often than not.

As according to the bentley AND my rusty memory, the
0.3 bar sender
(white equiv on golf oil filter pedestal) is default
closed (open
circuit with pressure) an the black/ blue 1.8bar
sender (on the back of
the head on the golf) is default open (closed circuit
with pressure).
Sorry but I can't remember what colour codes these
should be on the 200.
that might alter your multimeter diagnosis!

whilst I agree that these beasts can show a multitude
of electrical
issues, but then i would suggest that you should thank
your lucky stars
that you haven't got a Rover / MG Maestro Turbo with
"a bit of an
intermittent missfire' and 'the courtesy light that
won't go off' (fix
is a new loom)

John Cassidy wrote:
> Kind of a testement to exactly what these older
Audis are...nightmare of electrical issues supporting
a bulletproof engine/drivetrain.  Of all the replies
so far, no one has even considered that maybe the car
has an oil pressure issue!
> John Cassidy
> Silver City Stone
> 1342 Marshall Ln.
> Helena, MT  59601
> 406-443-7305  ex. 222
> 406-442-2450 fax
> 406-202-0643  cell
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