FW: blinker buzzing and not working

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Mon Nov 20 21:05:47 EST 2006

could also be a dodgy connection to the bulbs.
the relay will flash faster when there is no draw
across it, which could
be your buzzin'
try jiggling the connections and the fuse

Jeremiah Curry wrote:
> HI all,
> My right blinker  on my 200 20v  started
intermittently not working.
> Sometime it just makes an awful buzzing noise from
the dash and no lights
> come on at all.  Other times, it works fine.  sounds
like a relay?  but I
> can't figure out where it would be.  Any help you
can provide would be
> appreciated.
> thanks,
> Jeremiah
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