blinker buzzing and not working

Jeremiah Curry jercurry at
Tue Nov 21 20:51:20 EST 2006

Any idea where the realy on this car is located?  I have checked all of the
bulbs and they are good, also the right side doesn't work with the hazards
on, but no buzzing from the relay.


-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Lenahan [mailto:glenahan at] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 5:46 AM
To: jercurry at
Cc: quattro at
Subject: Re: blinker buzzing and not working

Sounds like an intermittently sticking relay to me.

On Nov 20, 2006, at 8:52 PM, Jeremiah Curry wrote:

> HI all,
> My right blinker  on my 200 20v  started intermittently not working. 
> Sometime it just makes an awful buzzing noise from the dash and no 
> lights come on at all.  Other times, it works fine.  sounds like a 
> relay?
> but I
> can't figure out where it would be.  Any help you can provide would be
> appreciated.
> thanks,
> Jeremiah
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