quattro Digest, Vol 37, Issue 53

Mark J. Besso mbspeed at maxboostracing.com
Wed Nov 22 11:09:23 EST 2006

All the items you seek are available at Kaleco Auto: http://kalecoauto.com/

Blinker fluid is only $8.99/gal which compares rather favorably to the price
of Pentosin.


-----Original Message-----
From: thejimrose
Subject: Re: quattro Digest, Vol 37, Issue 53

wow i used to trust you folks for good information. you completely
neglected to advise the inspection of either the flux capacitor or the
muffler bearings. as both could have adverse effect to his

some people indeed..

fyi there is a 'zeenon type r' blinker fluid available at pep boys
that i have had good result with.

> Mark
> are you mad?
> You don't put Pentosin in the Blinkers
> it's just regular ATF via the reservoir under the
> heater core
> honestly, some people!
> Geraint

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