A4 info center

audiSean audisean at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 19:50:00 EST 2006

The entire cluster needs to be replaced and recoded using a scan tool
like VAG-COM by Ross-Tech. I replaced the cluster in my C5 A6 and had
a friend recode it with his VAG-COM. All told it was $400 though I'm
told the price has increased.

I purchased my remanufactured cluster from clairparts.com for $400
with a $400 core charge.

Here's a link to the tech article I wrote for AudiWorld.com:

On 11/27/06, Ben <blament at gmail.com> wrote:
> My son's information center (the rectangular, digital readout in the center
> of the gauge pod) in his A4 is all wonky. It appears to have several lines
> going horizontally through the information. This makes it impossible to
> decipher any of the information. Can this be repaired or replaced without
> replacing the entire pod? If so, how? If it makes a difference, his is a 1.8
> Turbo with paddle shift automatic.
> Peace,
> Ben
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Sean [99 A6 2.8q]

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