'97 A4 parts in common with '99.5 A4?

Bart Oleksy barto at nerdshack.com
Tue Nov 28 22:24:01 EST 2006

I'm about to take possession of a '98 A4 2.8Q 5-spd, but I know of 
someone parting out their 1999.5 A4 1.8 - where's the best place to look 
(for a guy with limited auto knowledge/experience) for a list of parts 
that would work between the two?

I'd be looking for the driver's seatback (bolster is worn through on 
mine), driver's side mirror (mine has the laminated cover peeled off so 
it's cloudy), and possibly the dash (mine is U.S. but would like the 
Canadian version, this 99.5 A4 is Canadian).  Probably more once I take 
possession and get it looked at more closely.

I understand there are parts catalogs you can get/download - anything 
free or cheap out there?


Edmonton, Canada
'98 A6 QW
'91 200TQ 10v
'86 CGT

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