Winter floor mats

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Thu Oct 5 14:29:14 EDT 2006

LOL.  I also use the Uncle Bob's Red Army Rubberless Winter Weather
Floor Protection System.   UBRARWWFPS?

I did use some big rubber mats for a while but it didn't seem to be a
better solution, just different.  And the compromise in foot-on-mat
feel, etc. wasn't to my liking.

reading German car magazines in my sleep

On 10/5/06, Tihol Tiholov <t.tiholov at> wrote:
> No rubber mats for my cars.  I practice simple rubber-less protection I
> actually saw in some car mag awhile back (it makes so much sense, it must
> have been German): Sit on the seat with both feet still outside, slap
> together your shoes (if you served in the Red Army you know what I mean
> ;o)), repeat if needed, turn on your but till you face the controls and
> Bob's your uncle.  The last step is easier with leather seats.
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