NAAC Winter driving school 2007: side activity ideas?

Mark R speedracer.mark at
Fri Oct 6 11:06:24 EDT 2006

There are several pictures around with some foolish instructor with a huge
(Audi) roof box on his S4 at Tim's place... oh wait... that's me.  I usually
make the trips up there ski/board trips.  I've stayed over to do some skiing
at Loon, but Cannon is *right* there (10 miles?).

Usually I start south, hit a hotel, ski the next morning at Killington, Jay,
or Stratton, and head home in the PM.
Movies would be cool Sunday night... maybe a ski trip Monday?

Other ideas- places up there rent snowmobiles.  That might be a Monday
thing, too.  I bet the Jax theater would rent us the screen for a showing.

Mark Rosenkrantz

On 10/5/06, Duane, Andrew <andrew at> wrote:

> Hmmmm, whatever could we do in the mountains of NH in winter.......
> I'm thinking skiing/boarding at Cannon, Attitash, Wildcat?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at on behalf of Brett Dikeman
> Sent: Thu 10/5/2006 12:11 PM
> To: QList List
> Cc: V8 List; List Urq; s-car-list at; 200q20v 200q20v
> Subject: NAAC Winter driving school 2007: side activity ideas?
> Hey all!  The new North Atlantic (ME, NH, MA, RI) ACNA chapter has
> scheduled two winter driving schools at the Tim O'neil rally school
> facility, January 27-28 and February 17-18.  It's up in the
> Franconia, NH area.
> I've suggested to fellow board members that we see about side
> activities; maybe something Friday night like watching rally movies,
> or even take it further with organized stuff to do Friday, Sunday
> evening, or Monday (Saturday there's usually a 'banquet' in the
> hotel.)  I thought I'd ask on Audifans and Audiworld to see what
> potential attendees would be interested in, and bring those ideas
> back to the board and volunteers for further discussion.
> Anyone?  All ears!
> Brett
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