15 or 16 in for winter wheels for 99 A4

Greg Smith lifeisabirdie at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 6 21:32:34 EDT 2006

FPL Inc <fpl.inc at alaska.net> wrote: 

Hello all---

Up here in Anchorage lots of folks buy 4 extra wheels for winter tires,
which I plan to do.

The 99 A4 I just bought has 16 IN wheels but the book says 15 or 16 are

For STUDDED snow tires what would you all recommend--   15 or 16 IN ??  If
 memory serves, narrower tires get more 'bite' in snow, altho I do not know
if the width of tires changes with wheel size.  The smaller tires will be
cheaper I presume-- but this is not my overriding factor

 Thanks very much for the help---- Rick

The 15" option will most likely be 195/65-15 vs the 205 tread width of the 16" option.   Those 10mm do make a lot of difference in snow and wet function.  The difference on ice due to studs will not be as great.  Most customers that have a choice of those 2 size options, I tell to go with the 15" tires.  I've sold Nokian for 28 yrs and the difference in your cost for a set will be about $200 less for the 15" tires.  I actually like the Gislaveds a bit more than the Nokians for the past 3 years.

Good luck
Greg Galinsky
G & G Service

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