Subject: Re: Subframe bolt. Stripped hidden bolts

Pat Martin mardkins at
Wed Oct 11 01:39:19 EDT 2006

There is an S6 in my shop with exactly this problem.  The decided solution
was to drill a large enough hole in the body to get the broken loose not so
captive nut out and weld a nut onto a 3"x3" metal plate that was then welded
into position on the frame rail.  A corresponding plate with just a hole in
it was welded onto the other side to match the change in height.  This car
was getting delrin subframe bushings in it so the bushing were machined down
to compensate for the additional height.  I personally think this step was
unneeded as the geometry change was minimal at best but it was easy enough
to do so...  

If the nut is still captive but simply stripped than certainly trying to tap
it out with a larger bolt would be easy enough to try.  I might require the
use of a machined bushing however to compensate for the additional bolt

Pat Martin
95 S6 Avant, IA Stage III, 18x8 RS knockoffs. 255/30/18 PZero Nero's, \

86 4kcsq turbo, 3" "cat" back makes it LOUD, Coil overs/konis holding it up,
MC and loving it.  Custom ECU with data logging tuning it, Drilled and
stopping it. Borbet's with Kuhmo V710's  turning it,  K&N and uh....

98 A6q Avant.

97 Ford F350 Crew cab, 4x4, GGGGGAAAAAASSSSS.  Never met a station it didn't

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of cobram at
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:48 AM
To: J123fs at
Cc: v8 at; quattro at
Subject: Re: Subject: Re: Subframe bolt. Stripped hidden bolts

Not an option in my case, since the captive nut was not so captive, it
was loose in the "cage" and it was too tight a fit to get anything in
there to hold it in place.  The nut would only stay put counterclockwise

The helicoil might work well for Louis's problem, I think his is only

What Veedub repair is this?  Stripped seat mounting bolts? 

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J123fs at writes:

> My 2 cents here, as I too have gone through this twice 
> myself.......
> I have fixed them without any major hassles by using a heilicoil in 
> one,  and 
> tapping out the other to the next bolt size up.

>  buddy at the VW/ Audi stealership stated that the body 
> shop(s) he knows 
> also  stopped cutting holes in the floors and heilicoils em too.
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