200 Cold Start Valve / ECU issues

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Thu Oct 12 09:21:49 EDT 2006


well, it did something silly, but for once it paid
Since you and others suggested that the fault was more
likely to be on
the ECU board and not a program fault, I pulled my 2
ECUs apart and
swapped the EPROMs. (both boards were socketed)


the CSV fires, which means that car starts now. it was
after all not
merely an exercise in trying to get the test lamp to
And the 200 still goes like a rocket ship running on
best valleys
anthracite, with the modified chip.

It could have gone horribly wrong though.

the fact that i elected to perform ECU surgery last
friday afternoon,
just minutes before taking the family on a weekend
trip to the NH coast
via a tour of VT in the 200, was not perhaps the
bestest of timing.
(my 1st time in the US, but more of that another day)
worst case was 2 dead ecus/chips & immobilised car
followed by "nuts in
a sling" and maybe divorce.
whatever, it would have been a touch more than a
"spare room offence".
Mrs L has a bun in the oven and currently suffers from
patience issues and irregular total sense of humour
still i have to admit that she would have had a point

anyway, fortune favours the brave etc.....
and her car now starts in the morning......
I guess that now it's time to fit the euro lamps that
i bought on e-bay
in the summer and got her to bring back in her
luggage, obliging her to
spend some time explaining what they were to


Geraint Lloyd
People's Republic of Canadia
'89 200 TQA MCII
'87 Group N Golf 2 GTI, 8v, RHD

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