Rust proofing of restoration project. NAC

L DC ldc007usa at
Tue Oct 17 15:37:28 EDT 2006

I second Huw on the POR-15.

Thin it and for a better lay out it would be best to
spray it with a spray gun rather than with a brush.

I believe that with POR-15, however, you need to spray
whatever top coat or primer while the POR-15 still
"tacky....or with a slight finger drag" for the latter
to stick, as per the instructions.

Ask me how I know.



--- Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:

> > what about POR15? Couldn't you pour it into the
> channels and roll it around
> > to cover it all?
> I think with POR15 at least, you'd have to thin it -
> it brushes out 
> well, but is rather thick from the can (thixotropic,
> I suspect).  But, 
> yes, I forgot that one on my list of wild ideas -
> pouring in the primer 
> of one's choice and letting gravity get it into the
> crannies.
> -- 
> Huw Powell
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