driver's door will not open (unlocked)

Jim Jordan j8k3sp00n at
Wed Oct 18 17:48:22 EDT 2006

........kool woleb..........

>From: David Kase [mailto:davekase at] 
>Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 10:56 AM
>To: Geraint Lloyd
>Cc: quattro at
>Subject: Re: driver's door will not open (unlocked)
>I did try unlocking it and locking it with the key but not all 
>combo's you listed.  I will also try the button thing although 
>there is no way to pull that puppy up.
>I will have to compare the door handle play/travel as well. 


I'm loathe to reply since I'm so late in the thread.  However, if the inside
locking button can't be pulled up easily, that's a symptom of a screwed up
vacuum pump, at least, it was on earlier models.  To eliminate that
possibility, find your lock system vacuum pump, usually in the trunk under
the cover next to the spare.  Unplug the vaccum tube from the pump and try
the door and locking button then.  That has happened to me although not
nearly as severe as you're describing.



Jim Jordan

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