Eurovan (NAC) -but some in-line 5 C!
Geraint Lloyd
geraintlloyd_qc at
Fri Oct 20 11:16:31 EDT 2006
Neighbour in montreal has a diesel eurovan.
5 pot, no turbo.
I have seen, heard and smelt it so it's not just a
dealership option
that no-one bought
diesels were all inline 5s
petrol was in line 5 for the 1st half and v6 for the
2nd half of the
model year
'cept that the V6 was actually a VR6........
Your man is either very confused (can't count to ONE)
or a bad typist.
the type 25 (vanagon) had flat 4 air, then water
cooled petrols, but the
in line 4 from the golf diesel. maybe he is thinking
of T2 & T25 petrols.
Then again, maybe he is on drugs.
T25 1.6 D that might just achieve 60mph in about the
same time that it
would take me to explain the rules of cricket to a
frenchman, so always
thrashed to death resulting in a banana shaped head
and H/Gasket
failure. 1.6TD and 1.7TD weren't much better, although
the fact that it
was a golf block, means that there are G60 and 2.0L
16v Vanagons out
there, but i digress..........
also there was the south african combi and microvan
with 5 pot 2.1, 2.2,
and 2.5 petrols. I drove a 2.6 in Namibia and still
want one
Tihol Tiholov wrote:
> Does anyone know if Eurovans with Diesel engines
were imported in North
> America? More specifically Canada would be nice
but ...
> Seeing some adds on 1996 Diesel Eurovans for sale,
one even claims that
> heads were renewed, would that mean a V6?
> TIA,
> Tihol
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