Parts needed fast

L DC ldc007usa at
Fri Oct 20 11:31:36 EDT 2006


The very same thing happened to my '85 VW QSW's
flywheel when I took it to a machine shop to have it
resurface for a clutch job I finished 2 months ago.

The QSW, however, is not equipped with TRS or the
likes, so no pins there, Thank GOD!!!

I’ve driven the car now over 1K miles with no
tranny/shifting issues what’s so ever.

Here's a copy of the posting inquiring about the now
missing pins:

-Resurfaced flywheel ($51.47), it had a couple of very
slight grooves

Regarding the flywheel, the two thinner and taller
pins (as seen around 11 and 12 o'clock on the flywheel
on pg 30-23, fig. 30-298, of the tranny rebuilt manual
in the links' portion of this website) that don't
appear to do anything broke off as the guy at the
machine shop tried to pull them off. The 3 other
guides for the pressureplate came out and went back in
just fine.

The machine shop guy called a friend of his, "who
worked for VW as a mechanic for 15 years" to inquire
about the 2 little broken pins and his friend said
they're not needed.

Is that true?

I asked the machine shop guy if those pins were there
for some kind of balancing and said his friend told
him "those pins were there as a guide for factory
installation of the clutch."

Is that true or just plain bullshit?

Anyway, what do you think?

--- Kneale Brownson <kneale at> wrote:

> The rollpins 
> reportedly are a fixture that Audi uses at the 
> factory for some initial engine setup.  The three 
> much shorter dowels (one half hidden by one of the
> rollpins) are for orienting the pressure plate.  The
> timing pin is on the other side of the flywheel.  

>When I asked about the rollpins earlier because the 
> shop that resurfaced the flywheel for me broke one
> of them while preparing for the resurfacing, several
> folks here advised that they are not necessary to 
> engine operation  and I need not worry about any
> differences.

> The two sensors are mounted such that they can't see

> those pins anyway.  One reads the single pin on the
> other side of the flywheel and the other counts the 
> starter ring teeth, as I understand their
> operation.   Bentley's description of 3B pin length
> and placement (Pgs. 13.34-13.35) says the single pin

> on the engine side of the flywheel goes in "flush", 
> which I presume means the nonprojecting end is flush

> with the bottom of its hole in the flywheel, and
> provides a measurement for placement of the sensor. 

>There's not a figure for just how far the timing pin 
> should project from the flywheel surface. 
> Bentley says the rollpins are used for some sort of 
> engine testing, and does provide a length for them. 

> Bentley does provide a timing pin length (11.8 + or-
> 0.1 mm) in its MC flywheel data (Pg 13.13). 

> Don't know whether that would apply to the 3B too, 
> but the sensor placement measurements are the same.

> At 08:18 PM 10/19/2006 -0600, DeWitt Harrison wrote:
> >When I did an MC to 3B flywheel conversion a while 
> >back, it was my impression that the pins are 
> >actually roll pins tapped into holes in the 
> >flywheel. The pins on the 3B part where much longer

> >to make up for the lack of the extra metal at the 
> >outer radius.

> >I would think it possible to find such pins at a 
> >general machine shop supply house. Measure the 
> >distances from flywheel to sensors to get the 
> >required lengths. Account for the mounting hole 
> >depths.
> >
> >I may be able to look up the actual pin lengths in
> >a Bentley if needed. The family album looks a
> >confused as it calls out these pins for the 3B 
> >flywheel.
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