Once more into the void - 5ktq high 'idle' - update

Fuzzzydog fuzzzydog at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 13:20:25 EDT 2006

Really,guys, I can't thank you enough for the suggestions and pointers.

I had a chance to get out there last night and poke around a bit and here is
one thing I found

as suggested by Ben, I pulled the isv connector with the car running and the
idle dropped - a bit low but very acceptable.  plugged it back in and no
change in idle, went for a drive and the problem was gone - it came off high
speed, down to a low idle at all times.
got home, shut off, restarted and zoom - 3k rpm with no throttle....

So - conclusions?

1.  The ISV is working - doing something - just not doing it right.
2.  The culprit is in the ISV circuit somewhere...  I'm starting to think

I'm still looking at some of the other suggestions and will check them out
(it gets dark kind of early these days - will be even worse next week when
we go to DST) as time allows.

one thing I wonder about is how the heck do you guys 'pinch off' the ISV
hoses?!?!? they are too hard to pinch off with fingers alone and I am
worried about damaging with pliers....

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