Headliner removal question

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sat Sep 2 18:44:57 EDT 2006

Bentley doesn't lie, Roy.  Heh, heh.  The rear headrest/seatback anchors do
have small tabs that project through the sheetmetal at the front of the
trunk.  They're hidden by the rear speakers hanging there.  After I
extracted them from my 200q20v so I could take out the seatback, I ground
off the tabs that stick through the bulkhead so I wouldn't have to tear out
the trunk liner and play contortionist again to get them out in the future.
 Now I can lever them up and pull them out from inside the car.  I'd guess
you want the seatback out to avoid having to destroy the headliner backer
board in order to get it out.  But I've not had a headliner problem yet
(Shhhhhh, don't tell the Audi diety).

At 06:17 PM 9/2/2006 -0400, E. Roy Wendell IV wrote:
>For those of you who've BTDT, did you follow the book and remove the  
>rear seat back, rear deck, and C-pillar trim? It looks to me like I  
>should be able pull/cut it loose from the front to the back and then  
>move it forward about half an inch to clear the c channel above the  
>rear window and the C-pillar trim. I can't see how to do it by the  
>book because the rear seat back is held in by the headrest post  
>sockets. The Bentley seems to be lying to me again because it insists  
>that the lower portion of the headrest sockets protrude into the  
>trunk under the rear deck. I contend that they do not. It looks to me  
>like they are on the front side of the rear seat bulkhead behind the  
>seat back. My experience is that those headrest sockets are a one  
>time install item. Even with access to the lower portion as installed  
>in the front seat backs I had no success in removing them.

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