Airbag warning light

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Tue Sep 5 11:54:35 EDT 2006

Hello all

I have a problem with the wife's 89 200TQA

we have the airbag warning lamp on permanently.
when we got the car in april, the airbag lamp would
come on when the car
was started, and go off after 30 secs to 2 mins.
it started taking longer and longer for it to go off,
until now it just
stays on for ever.

the airbag control system has been replaced as part of
the recall. It
has no voltage amp under the rear seat and has OBD
type connectors on
the control box under the centre console.

Anyone have any ideas.
I think that I know where i can buy a used control
box, unless the
problem is elsewhere.
I also haven't got he new, Post TSB, wiring diagram.
any ideas where i
can find one of those or a code pulling guide for the
new airbag controller?


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