Help Me Preserve My Repurtation

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Wed Sep 6 09:49:32 EDT 2006


looking at it, the bracket (443419857A) probably does
the seat belt
tensioner cables as well.

If you have an airbag, i'm pretty sure that the
steering column
retracting system is not fitted.

IMHO, the steering column retractor is better than
airbags, but i seem
to remember that it was just less marketable for audi
at the time.
Airbag is easy to understand whereas Procon-Ten is
complicated for most
It's a bit like:
"you've F**/ed up, so here's a cushion"
as opposed to:
"you've F**/ed up, and you won't be needing that any

I've CCed the list in case i have started to spout
bullpoo again.

the bracket in question is in the family album

Model A80
Year 91
MG 4
SG 19
Illustration 56-00
Model A80
Year 91
MG 8
SG 03
Illustration 80-20

I have screen caps if anyone without the album wants a
look in order to
inform themselves before adding their 2cents


Paul Caouette wrote:
> Thanks
> So the steering wheel retracts and the airbag
deploys. Man! These guys at
> Audi think of everything...the fun part will be to
get it back up there
> without lower the whole drive train.
> I recalll having a hellava time with the cables etc
on my 200 wagon when I
> replaced the clutch.
> This is such a great forum....
> On 9/5/06, Geraint Lloyd <geraintlloyd_qc at>
>> Paul
>> Got bored at work this morning
>> enclose some pics from my family album
>> i guess that the part goes on the top rear of the
>> gearbox, and seems to
>> be the cable mounting bracket for the cable that
>> the steering
>> wheel into the dash on the Procon ten models
>> either refit it or gaffa tape a large foam cushion
>> the steering wheel
>> then tell offspring that all is well
>> sorry i didn't get bored earlier and i hope that
>> reputation is
>> still intact
>> didn't post this to the list as the attachments
>> make it bounce
>> Geraint
>> Paul Caouette wrote:
>>> Audifans,
>>> Last week my daughter's 90Q (20v) started
>> overheating so I volunteered to
>>> "fix it."
>>> Now I've been preaching troubleshooting to her
>> she could walk into the
>>> garage. "Always start with the simplest solutions
>> and work towards the most
>>> complicated.It saves you lots of effort."
>>> I drove the car in witht the guage a bit past
>> and popped the hood. No
>>> fan....Hmmm. That's simple. Then I reached in and
>> gave the fan blade a
>>> spin......The fan began the run but at very low
>> Lower than even the low
>>> setting on the two stage fan.....Hmmmm. Looks like
>> it can't be the
>>> thermostat 'cause it either on or off. So I forget
>> my own lesson and spend
>>> the next three days removing the fan motor. In the
>> process I broke off the
>>> plastic stem that connects the expansion tank to
>> radiator and had to
>>> drill and tap the hole for a metal insert. I
>> get the fan out after
>>> wrestling with the shroud and discover on the
>> that it works just
>>> fine....&%$*@&!
>>> Just before putting the shroud back in I discover
>> that the engine mount is
>>> broken so I spend another night replacing that.
>>> Tonight I tell her, "You have to help me
>> reassemble." And she does.
>>> We had a great time but like all my work I alway
>> seem to have an extra nut
>>> or screw left over. I made light of it and told
>> it always happens and
>>> not to worry.
>>> We start up the car and everything works fine.
>> the metal stem!
>>> "See," I said, "You don't ever need all the parts
>> they put on a car."
>>> Wwe drop it off the jacks and she backs it out
>> slowly. As the car backs out
>>> there on the floor is a bracket. She stops the car
>> and gets out. I pick up
>>> the braket and we both contemplate it. It is
>> something I can't recall
>>> removing and I can't for the life of me figure out
>> what it is...or where it
>>> fits.
>>> Katherine is now reluctant to drive the car..and
>> reluctant to admit that
>>> I might have really screwed up.
>>> Perhaps one of you might have access to the parts
>> fiche (or DVD) and help me
>>> with botha aname and an idea as to where it might
>> fit
>>> The number on the backet is 443419857A.
>>> Any help would be appreciated..... although
>> I should maintain that I
>>> am a dummy so she won't be asking me to fix her
>> car...ever again!
>>> Paul
>>> In Dnever
>>> '83 TQC
>>> 89 200 wagon
>>> 90 20v q
>>> 1998 A4 Avant
>>> (
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