Brake Fluid Recommendations?

Arthur Marks aamarks at
Wed Sep 6 15:29:05 EDT 2006

What am I missing? You've got a bottle of break fluid that was opened and recapped say a month ago vs. the stuff in the reservoir that was "exposed" to moisture at least once when it was filled say 1.5 years ago. How is topping off with the previously opened container going to be a problem?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ECP4NOW at 
  To: d_dibiase at 
  Cc: quattro at 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 10:51 PM
  Subject: Re: Brake Fluid Recommendations?

  Here's my 2 cents worth.  When you say "recent bleeding on my MGB" I  wasn to 
  ask if that was within the last 24 hours before you "so dumped some  in."  If 
  not, I would do a flush for sure on the next service... don't  ask... just do 
  it.   I have raced and ralllied for a great many  years, and we NEVER use 
  brake fluid that has been opened for more than 24 hours,  we through it away.  We 
  figure it contaminated, and holding moisture.   Now for the DOT4 if you are 
  doing normal street driving, DOT 4 works, and is the  minimum that Audi 
  recomends, if however you are doing anything the least bit  more aggressive upgrade 
  to a higher rating. Ford Motor has a DOT 7.........  that is Great... no 
  fade... and only a few pennies more expensive than  Castrol DOT4
  Again, only my 2 cents worth.
  Clarke Paynter

  Thanks for the quick responses, I had some Castrol DOT4  left over  from a 
  recent brake-bleeding on my MGB so dumped some in.  Still hard to  see where the 
  level is - clear fluid and opaque plastic  make it tough.  Took a short spin 
  and no light, so guess that was the  issue. 35k mile  service coming up w/in 
  the next 2 weeks, so I will  mention it anyways.  Just add it to my list....

  Thx, Dan D
  '04 A4  1.8Tq MT-6
  Central NJ USA

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