Did they do it?

Mike Arman Armanmik at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 6 17:05:06 EDT 2006

>  how do I ensure that the service is actually done, other than  looking for spills?! I haven't had any reason to distrust my dealer  (Princeton Audi) so far but...

On airplanes, there is a technique called "anti-tamper" which consists 
of a tube of (usually) orange goop which you apply to make a thin line 
across nuts and/or assembled parts. It hardens and becomes brittle. If 
the nut is loosened or the parts are disassembled, the line of hardened 
goop breaks.

You could use paint or even nail polish the same way - for instance dots 
of paint in or across the slots of screws you *know* have to come out 
for the service you need - if you get the car back and the paint marks 
are undisturbed, you'll know they didn't do it.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman
(Off in V-8 land - it isn't just a car, it is an ADVENTURE!)

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