Help Me Preserve My Repurtation

audiSean audisean at
Wed Sep 6 21:52:25 EDT 2006

I find this interesting...

On 9/6/06, Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:
> > I recall seeing a diagram and reading a description where the
> > ProConTen system retracted the steering wheel in a frontal collision;
> > I believe it was a wire and pulley system but I can't find anything on
> > it at the moment.
> There isn't, and it doesn't.
> But, the steering column is different than previous cars, in that
> instead of a solid rod from the breakaway joint to the wheel, there is a
> tube with a ribbed section - which is supposed to crumple under impact
> (of your chest/face on the wheel)
> So it might be listed in a description of ProConTen as an upadated
> safety feature, but it isn't part of the automatic system.

Sean [99 A6 2.8q]

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