Steering wheel vibration under moderate braking

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Fri Sep 8 07:06:57 EDT 2006

would add track rod end (tie rod end) ball joints, or the bushes on the track rods at the rack end, to this list for a 200 TQA for example

SuffolkD at wrote: 
Vibrations at speed in my 4000S was lower a frame bushings worn out.

Wheel sound like a worn bearing on corners was loose lug bolts once: 200 20V 

light braking getting shudder / vibration (clunking like) was worn bushings 
in the suspension.

moderate braking getting shudder / vibration

Heavy braking resulting in  MASSIVE wheel shimmy is usually warped rotors or 
brake faded rotors.

Any light braking that grabs then lets go to grab again is a warped rotor.

Drag the brakes at 10 MPH to check.

I took a Chevy Malibu and fadded the brakes in 1 1/2 laps at NHIS, which 
resulted in massive wheel shimmy.  Cooled down the return trip was smooth braking.

Also make sure your guide pins aren't frozen resulting in uneven pad wear.

-Scott by BOSTON

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