Fix or replace oil pan on A6 Avant Quattro

Chris Thorp thorp at
Tue Sep 12 15:58:01 EDT 2006

SP-Electronics wrote:

>source for a new or used pan for a decent price? I did a quick search and so
>far only found them for $150-180, but was hoping to find something a little
Autohaus AZ ( has them for $115.  If that's not low 
enough, I bet you can get a used one from Chris Semple at Force5 Auto 

>Anyway, any suggestions, or ideas where to buy a cheaper pan would be
>appreciated. Oh, and what's the difference between AAH and AFC engines? I
>noticed that all the parts suppliers have them listed for Engine AAH or AFC,
>but not sure how to tell which one I have. 

I am 99% sure you have the AFC.  The switchover happened in '94 
construction year, mid-'95 model year, at least on the sedan.  Mine says 
"AFC" on a sticker right on the driver's-side cylinder head, along with 
a bunch of other information..

'95 A6qm

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