Graylyn Concours de Elegance - w/ Audi R10 pics

John Cody Forbes cody at
Sat Sep 16 21:03:09 EDT 2006

Special thanks to Flow Audi for providing me and some friends with tickets to the inaugural Concours de'Graylyn! It was a good event with plenty of eye candy. Some notables include Earnest Hemmingways Rolls Royce up for auction for charity, an Audi R10, David Coulthards Red Bull F1 car, a Maybach (I missed it), Superformance's full lineup (Gt-40, Cobra, and Cobra Daytona Coupe), Speed Werks' 935 and 962, the usual compiment of Lambos, Ferraris, Bentleys, and a boatload of classic British cars (ton of TR6's!). One of only 9 Stout Scarab's was there too, what an odd little thing that was. - R10 is right on the first page, with a few more R10 pix on page 4. - Really nice R10 pic with Graylyn Manor

-Cody Forbes
'86 5k noT noQ
'86 5k noT noQ - Parting Out
'87 5ktq
'87 5ktq - Fast. Really Fast.

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