[V8] rear end clunk- any BTDT?
Kneale Brownson
kneale at coslink.net
Sun Sep 17 09:36:50 EDT 2006
Front bushing on the trapezoid arms are famous for making such noises.
At 09:21 AM 9/17/2006 -0400, J123fs at aol.com wrote:
>Hey all,
>I have a nice clunk on the rear end of my V8. Pass side- mostly on rebound,
>like the shock mount was loose or broken spring- but, I have neither.
>I replaced the rear traverse link (some might call it a upper control arm)
>as there was play in it. But after the repair there is still the clunk
>from the rear- seemingly on rebound, not compression of the shock, though it
>seems a little better, as I have removed some slop from back there.
>I then removed the Bilstein to see of the mounting nuts of shaft where
>loose- they where not. I also articulated the rear control arm and did
>notice some
>plat on the rearmost bushing.
>Any ideas out there?
>As a firm believer of doing the easy stuff first (rear upper link), has
>anyone had the same issue that they resolved, I do not want just start
>bushings pel-mel.
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