200 trunk power lock quattro Digest, Vol 35, Issue 49

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Tue Sep 19 16:33:54 EDT 2006

In a message dated 9/17/2006 12:00:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
quattro-request at audifans.com writes:

> From: Kurt Deschler <>
> Subject: 
> The power lock on the trunk of my 200 has never worked since I got the 
> car. Today I decided to fix it. The problem that I found was that the 
> power lock actuator would not move, even with excessive force. I 
> disasembled the lock and found that there is a small ball bearing that 
> holds the actuator in the locked or unlocked position. The holes that the 
> catch the ball bearing were far to deep to ever release the ball bearing 
> and let the actuator move. I cut a channel with a drill bit to allow the 
> ball to move between the 2 positions and now the power lock is working. I 
> can't see how this ever would have worked. Seems like a manufacturing 
> defect to me. Has anyone out there had similar experience with their 200?
>     -Kurt

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