Passat brakes

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Wed Sep 20 13:25:58 EDT 2006

    In case it is not the abs box, which seems to be the most likelyculprit according to the thread....

I was just wondering if the rear calliper handbrake adjustment hadseized through lack of use meaning that the rear pistons have to travelfurther than they should to hit the pad against the disk, being thatthey will have worn a bit since the car was new. the spring in the rearcalliper pistons may be pulling them back in, if they have stopped selfadjusting.

my 97 passat B5.1 (!) 110bhp 1.9tdi had the adjusters on the handbrakecables above the heat shield / exhaust where the cables come out of theback of the lever area / cabin. they are only accessible from theoutside and underneath

1. pulling the handbrake up all the way and:
    a. counting the clicks (should be 3 to 5) of the pawl on the ratchet
    b. putting the car in gear and try to pull away gently whilstlooking at the 'horizon' and the base of the rear window in the rearview mirror to see if one of the back             corners 'dips'indicating a hand brake issue on the side that doesn't dip.

2. pulling the hand brake up until it is tight then letting it off anotch or two and seeing if it makes a difference at the pedal with theengine running. (maybe pull the handbrake with your foot on the pedalto see if it comes up a bit)

if there is any significant change to the pedal feel, try yanking thehandbrake repeatedly  (with the button held in) whilst  stamping on thepedal for a minute or so.

I agree that this is maybe a long shot, but easy to test withoutgetting dirty!


Orban, Peter wrote:      Passat brakes  
> Peter  
  > does your hand brake work onboth rear wheels?  
  > Geraint  
  > Montreal  
Hi Geraint,  
I have not checked, though Iwould expect both of them working.  
  There is no rust on the car, neverdriven during the winter. Only 16,000 Km.  
If anything, I would suspect theABS unit. Nowhere else for the fluid to go.  
  However, I am leery about thedealers touching my car (based on 25 years of continuous bad experienceby various dealers).
Regards, Peter  

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