3M Marine Adhesive Sealant 5200
ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 26 10:56:42 EDT 2006
Does anyone know if this adhesive, 3M Marine Sealant
5200, would work on a broken nipple from the locking
diff plastic servo?
As I wiggled the tranny to detach it from the engine
block on my '85 QSW for a clutch job, one of the
nipples on the plastic servo broke off.
I glued it with an adhesive that supposedly works even
on metal/plastic that comes in contact with either
gasoline or oil.
Anyway I re-installed the tranny and when I took a
good look at everything to make sure it was in order,
I discovered that the nipple had come apart once again
where it had been glued.
So much for that adhesive!!!
I believe Cody is having the same issue and had
inquired about a good adhesive to glue a broken servo
--- Jim Green <jim.green at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/23/06, cobram at juno.com <cobram at juno.com> wrote:
> >
> > This stuff was recommended on the list. Just be
> forewarned, it takes
> > from 2 to 7 days to dry/cure. Not something to
> use when you need
> > whatever's being glued ASAP.
> > I glued a plastic diaphragm yesterday and the
> stuff is still tacky...but
> > from what users have posted on here, once it cures
> nothing will tear the
> > part asunder.
> >
> >
> That's funny I just used this stuff for some trim
> work that needed to be
> sealed up permanently. It cures by humidity, so
> living in Denver it would
> still stick to your finger after 5 days. I brought
> the pieces in the
> bathroom while I showered for a few days and the
> cured right up.
> --
> Jim Green
> '89 90 GT35R quattro
> '89 80q
> http://www.mswanson.com/~jgreen/car_home.html
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