type 44 keyless entry

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Fri Sep 29 09:30:09 EDT 2006

Hi all,

winter approaches

just saw this on ebay

if the link doesn't work, a search for "audi 200
keyless" will turn up
the product.
and was wondering if any listers had experience or
comments on the system.
 I am thinking of fitting keyless entry before the
The 'bonus' for me is that the electronics are
integrated into the key
as opposed to dangling off the keychain.
I realise that this is a fashion argument, but hey,
it's my cash.........

Anyone have any success with remote starters in manual
I saw a thread about that in the archives, but it
didn't seem to draw
any conclusions.
I have heard of a system up here in canada, that you
'prime' with the
engine running, then you get out and lock the car. the
remote starter
then assumes that the car is empty and in neutral and
will remote start
the next morning......

Any tips or advice would be welcome


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