2002 S6 Avant rear rotors

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Sun Apr 1 13:14:20 EDT 2007

Thanks all, you've collectively confirmed it.

Since the rotors are pretty good, I'll leave them for now. But next 
time - heat and a rubber persuader.

On Apr 1, 2007, at 11:35 AM, Tony Hoffman wrote:

> They tend to get rusted to the hub. A little heat on the area where
> the rotor and hub interface will help. I always keep a small propane
> torch handy for situations like this.
> Tony Hoffman
> On 4/1/07, Grant Lenahan <glenahan at vfemail.net> wrote:
>> Oh wise ones,
>> So, yesterday I tackled the relatively easy task of rear rotors and
>> pads on my '02 S6 avant.
>> One problem - The rear rotors would not come free.  In fact, they were
>> so tight, and the fit between them and the hub so clean, that we began
>> to wonder whether the rotors I received (which look right, and have a
>> large, 2 5/8"+, hole in the center to clear the hub face) were wrong
>> and if the hub nut must come off to release the rear rotors.
>> - Bentley simply says remove rotors
>> - rotors I received appear to be retained by nothing more than lug 
>> bolts
>> - BUT, neither pulling nor hammering/heavy tapping (on the back of the
>> rotor) released them...........
>> Rather than damage something, and since the rotors were really in
>> pretty good shape, I left them be and just did the pads.
>> Any experience here?  Just hit it harder, or are my rotors wrong, or 
>> is
>> there a trick.
>> Grant
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