T44 Euro light wiring

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Mon Apr 2 16:00:03 EDT 2007

Just to clarify my earlier point.

i was living in france when they brought in a rule requiring drivers to
use sidelights (city or parking lights) whilst driving outside towns in
all weather conditions.

they did this because the italians did the same thing and the accident
rate dropped, although the fact that the italians adopted a penalty
points system on their driving licences the same day escaped the
attention of the statisticians (not the journalists though!)

one would assume that 5w sidelights would not do very much with respect
to the visibility of someone cruising up the autoroute at a steady
150KMH on a sunny june day, however i was surprised to note that it did
make a significant difference. the biggest problem was that it used to
be just the motorcycles that had lights on int he daytime, so suddenly
you had to work out if the object closing fast in your rear view mirror
was a car at 150 or a motorbike at 180.......... or the gendarmes at 200
rushing to scrape another motorcyclist off the road

Those were the days..........................

my 2cents worth would be

1.5w city lights are fine to make you visible to others (but maybe this
only works in E-Code lamps not DOTs)

2. if it's dark enough that you need DRLs to see where you're going,
then maybe you want to turn you rear lights on to stop some muppet
driving into your @rse end.

but then i don't make the rules

I see quite a few people driving around montreal at night with just the
DRLs on.
I can't help thinking that if they couldn't see where they were going,
they might be more tempted to light up.
It seems like a case of "I'm ok Jack, pull the ladder up"



Huw Powell wrote:
>> I suppose that makes sense. I had actually not yet turned them on  
>> before I sent that message even though they were wired/fused/relayed  
>> in already. After turning the H3's on I see your point for sure. My  
>> city lights though seem exceptionally dim and very deep yellow in  
>> color, I need to make sure the proper bulbs are installed.
> On my 90 euros, the "city light" is little more than a parking light (4 
> w I think?).  I'd use the low beam for DRL if I were you.

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