
Al Streicher streichea001 at
Thu Apr 5 19:51:26 EDT 2007

White gas is what you want. Good solvent and will evaporate quickly. Oh 
don't know what white gas is - go buy a can of "Coleman Camp Fuel". It's 
also known as Naphtha.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "thejimrose" <thejimrose at>
To: "Ron" <vze8lher at>
Cc: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: am/fm

> To what avail? Why not just drain and put fresh fluid in it? I'd be 
> worried
> that you'd never get all the solvent out of the tranny and it would weaken
> the new juice.
> You could 'flush' it by cutting the trans fluid with a qt of atf, which is
> just oil with a lot of detergents in it. Maybe drive it around for a 
> couple
> of hours and then drain and refill? Maybe start with a 'flush' of 100% 
> trans
> fluid, drive around for a while then drain + see what it looks like? 
> Filter
> it thru a paint strainer and see what turns up?
> But I don't know what benefit that would give. Do axle lubricants cause
> 'buildup'?
> On 4/5/07, Ron <vze8lher at> wrote:
>> Does anyone know if you can flush a manual transmission with diesel fuel?
>> Sorry if it's a stupid question........
>> Ron
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at]
>> On
>> Behalf Of Taka Mizutani
>> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 3:18 PM
>> To: thejimrose
>> Cc: Quattro List
>> Subject: Re: am/fm
>> Pioneer. The radios have pretty good tuners in them- check the specs. Way
>> better than Alpine,
>> Eclipse, Sony, etc. My Premier pulls in stations quite well, better than 
>> a
>> lot of stock radios.
>> A couple things w/ regard to Audis- if the car has an in-glass antenna,
>> you
>> have to correctly hook
>> up the amplifier, otherwise you'll get pretty much zero reception with 
>> any
>> radio. That's not exactly straightforward-
>> I had to do it at least twice or three times to get it right.
>> I've had fairly high-end "professionals" not do this correctly as well, 
>> so
>> it's not just me. :-)
>> Also, if you have metallic tint, that can kill the reception of an
>> in-glass
>> antenna- big no-no. If you must have tint
>> with an in-glass antenna, you have to do either dye or ceramic.
>> IME, having an external antenna vs. in-glass makes all the difference,
>> esp.
>> if it's a roof-mounted antenna like
>> on the New Beetle, Golf, A4 Avant, etc. I don't really know how the new
>> shark-fin antennas fare as I do not have
>> enough seat time in those cars to evaluate the radio.
>> I missed the original post, so I don't know what kind of car this radio 
>> is
>> for.
>> Taka
>> On 4/5/07, thejimrose <thejimrose at> wrote:
>> >
>> > IME installing car audio for a few years the typical reception of the
>> > aftermarket radios was dismal. we also sold high end home audio [krell,
>> > wilson, conrad johnson, theil, threshold, b+w, etc etc etc] so we had a
>> > few
>> > hardcore fm guys in the store. every now and then we'd see an oem radio
>> > that
>> > had great fm on the whole they are decent. however as fm is not sought
>> > after
>> > by people buying aftermarket car radios, it's an afterthought at best.
>> >
>> > i can't recall a single unit - alpine, clarion, kenwood, eclipse, etc
>> that
>> > had a model with a decent tuner in it. i have a 700$ top line kenwood
>> with
>> > no onboard amp and an external power supply [in a car radio!] and it's
>> > tuner
>> > SUCKS. if you could pull local stations w/out noise you were doing
>> alright
>> > with the aftermarket. some of our customers actually had us put the oem
>> > radios back in over this, and deal with line conversions to get the 
>> > rest
>> > of
>> > the system [amps, etc] working.
>> >
>> > double check your connections - and you might have some ground noise
>> > seeping
>> > in. the car radio typically gets grounded in 3 places; antenna [where
>> the
>> > antenna body mounts to the fender usually], wiring harness ground and
>> the
>> > metal/metal chassis connection bolting it to the dash. lifting one or
>> more
>> > of these can help. plastic nuts/bolts, duct tape, 3m strip caulk, 
>> > rubber
>> > washers are your friends. =) IIRC my preference was to run the wired
>> > chassis
>> > ground from the head  to a clean piece of metal in the dash [make sure
>> the
>> > dash support metal you wire to is not isolated from the chassis] with 
>> > as
>> > short a wire as possible and have this be the only ground.
>> >
>> > you can pull the radio and antenna and try different combo's with them
>> > 'loose' in the car to see if you get an improvement.
>> >
>> > GL!
>> > jim
>> >
>> > >>I have installed an Alpine 9855, and I have exactly the same problem.
>> > I made no change between the old (Sony) and the new radio connections,
>> > but the reception is absolutely useless. I have not looked into the
>> > problem yet, but I sure hope that the radio is not THAT bad.
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