Audi 200 rear speakers

John Lagnese jlagnese at
Sat Apr 7 17:11:24 EDT 2007

I'm not at home at the moment. I will check to see if I kept the wiring
paper from the plug in question.

-----Original Message-----
From: Vittorio Bares [mailto:Vittorio.Bares at] 
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 8:15 AM
To: Vittorio Bares; John Lagnese; Quattro List
Subject: RE: Audi 200 rear speakers

Ok - after further investigation:

RCA jacks from the head unit are for low-level signal which is intended
to go to a pre-amp. Inner contact should be signal, outer contact should
be ground.

Presumably I should be able to wire these outputs to the wires in the
red plug going to the amp (assuming the amp is working).

I'll give that a shot, otherwise, I'll go straight to the speakers with
the high-level out puts from the head set.

If anyone has definitive wiring specs on that red plug - that might be


Vittorio -

-----Original Message-----
From: Vittorio Bares 
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 11:35 PM
To: 'John Lagnese'; 'Quattro List'
Subject: RE: Audi 200 rear speakers

The headset has a left and right RC type outputs.

Are you suggesting that these somehow need to plug into the stock red
plug which leads to the amp? Is there a way of wiring it direct?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Lagnese [mailto:jlagnese at] 
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 11:28 PM
To: Vittorio Bares; 'Quattro List'
Subject: RE: Audi 200 rear speakers

You need a preamp output. I got a harness. It was for a Passat IIRC. It
is a two plug system.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Vittorio Bares
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 10:26 PM
To: Quattro List
Subject: Audi 200 rear speakers

I'm trying to install an aftermarket head unit into the car. I'm sure
there's quite a few of you who've BTDT :-)


The stock unit has the regular 3 plugs, black, green and red.


I've figured out how to power the unit from wires in the black plug.


The green plug powers  the 2 front speakers. No problem there.


The red plug has wires for the rear speakers. Theres a red/green wire,
and a red/blue wire. I've traced these back to the amp under the rear
seat. Checked integrity of the wires from the red plug to the amp and
from the amp to the speakers. Everything seems to check out ok. I also
checked the white/black wire which I assume is the (mutual?) ground.


I've also brought a wire directly from the head unit to the speakers and
they seem to work.


Should I be able to use the stock amp? Or should I just wire straight to
the rear speakers from the head unit?




Vittorio -

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