Ignition switch problems

Eric Huppert ehuppert at hvc.rr.com
Fri Apr 13 11:39:00 EDT 2007


I wasn't able to just swap the tail shaft on mine as the roll pin hole was
drilled slightly different. Ended up having the used ign cyl assy
disassembled at a lock smith and my tumblers installed. Believe there was
several different variations on the collar assy, one I was able to get
apart, the other one the locksmith had to cut off. It's definably worth a
try though, maybe yours will work!

Yes, this job is a major PITA. My steering wheel "wedge" kept loosening up
despite numerous "re-seats" knocking it back tight (Yes, had loosened the
steering collar on lower end so no tension). Ended up drilling a small hole
with a right angle drill (pieces are aluminum) and putting in a small screw.
This supposedly defeats the "collapsing" ability of the column assy, but
find it hard to believe the screw wouldn't snap off under force... Something
you may want to consider, if it loosens up you have to pull the IC again to


You need a security torx to get the assy out off the column

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