emissions debacle (need a new tranny)

David Ullrich david.ullrich at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 09:14:02 EDT 2007

Ah...and that's when to DESTROY the shop through an internet feeding frenzy.
Spread the word of what they've done and how they are not making it
right...spread it to every automotive related forum and listyou can find.
 I've seen it work against many shops and even big powerful evil car
dealers. lol

1987 CGT 2.3

On 4/17/07, cobram at juno.com <cobram at juno.com> wrote:
> Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> writes:
> > I may be preaching to the choir, but don't accept anything less than
> > a full repair.  Even if it'll cost $10k to source a new transmission
> > from Audi, that's *their* problem, not yours.
> >
> > Brett
> No, it's your problem.  This is completely unreasonable, and if you try
> and pull something like this, they'll at the most total the car and give
> you book value....which ain't much for most older Audis.  Most likely,
> try and get 3 or 4 times the value of the car and they'll just tell you
> to "take me to court", knowing full well that even if you do get a
> judgement, it'll at most be book value for the car.....collecting the
> judgement is also a whole other headache.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
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