[A4] A4 clutchless shifting
Ed Kellock
ekellock at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 21:10:06 EDT 2007
I would add that pulling it out of gear is much easier when there is no load
on the transmission, i.e. just as you come off the throttle and just before
engine braking occurs. If you put very light pressure on the shifter when
you come off throttle you'll discover where this point is for your
particular vehicle.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Tony Hoffman
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 5:41 PM
> To: Rocky Mullin
> Cc: a4 at audifans.com; Sean Reifschneider;
> quattro at audifans.com; T. Jackson
> Subject: Re: [A4] A4 clutchless shifting
> For some reason, I sometimes don't get posts, like the
> original on e for this. So, I'm a bit late on this one, but here goes.
> I do a decent amount of clutchless shifting, in several
> different cars and trucks. I've driven "big-rigs", american
> vehicles, and plenty of foreign autos. I' won't claim to be
> an expert, but I've made plenty of observations.
> First of all, I think if you own a manual trans, it's a good
> idea to at least know the theory of clutchless shifting, just
> in case........ Having said that, ther eis obviously a bit of
> technique to it, and each and every car I've driven is a bit
> different. The first thing to know is this, downshifting and
> upshifting are both easier when you do them at low RPM's.
> IOW, pull the shifter out of first at about 1600 or so, then
> put it into second.
> BTW, Semi's use non-syncro transmissions, and are clutchless shifted.
> Double clutching is pushing the clutck in to pull it out of
> gear. Then, let the clutch out to match revs of the input
> shaft. Then, push it in and put it into the next gear. It's
> more useful when upshifting, especially at higher revs.
> The most important thing is, when learning use as low of revs
> as ypu are comfortable with. That way, you can learn the feel
> for the car and go from there.
> As a side note, those who say wearing out the transmission is
> worses than wearing out the clutch, you are right!!
> Clutchless shifting if done wrong consistently is a very bad
> idea. I'd much rather do a clutch every year than a trans
> every five years.
> Hope this clarifies it a bit.
> Tony Hoffman
> > > On the topic of "clutchless shifting" (also called "speed
> shifting"
> > > and "rev matching", when I was farting around with it in my
> > > youth)... A new-ish Audi isn't the machine to be
> learning it on.
> > > Who actually thinks
> > > it's a good idea to risk damaging a transmission to save
> the cost of a
> > > clutch? If your friend thinks a clutch replacement is
> expensive, I
> > > can
> > > only imagine what they'd think of a transmission rebuild.
> >
> > > It can be done. I tried to learn it on my '69 Datsun
> B-210 when I
> > > was learning to drive in '87-ish. The whole car cost less than a
> > > clutch replacement for an Audi, so...
> >
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