A6 CV joint

cody at 5000tq.com cody at 5000tq.com
Fri Apr 20 12:47:02 EDT 2007

Quoting Tihol Tiholov <t.tiholov at gmail.com>:

> If the boot needs replacement, what about pulling the axle off the car (6
> small bolts), on the bench taking off the inner CV joint (much easier than
> the outer, at least on Typ 44) and swapping the new boot in from there?
> Maybe even installing 2 new boots - inner and outer?  If the outter CV needs
> swapping, it should come off relatively easy with the usual persuader.
> Otherwise the array of bolts and adaptations boggles my mind

Your looking at it as something more complicated then it is. First  
off, these aren't like t44 joints much. The joint is held on by a  
little spring clip that is halfway down the splined area that the  
joint sits on. Installation is simply pushing the joint onto the axle  
until you hear the spring clip give it's little "clink" that it does  
when it falls into the detent. Think of it like a ball detent, works  
exactly the same way.

That said, if the bolt works (ie. if the axle is the solid type) it  
couldn't be any easier. Simply thread the bolt in the CV by hand, then  
once it hits the axle turn it with a wrench slightly and it will pop  
the clip out of it's detent, then the joint comes off easily. In cases  
of hollow axles I still say a brass punch and hammer is the #1 easiest  

We can't always do it through the inner because customers usually  
won't fix something that isn't broken. They don't want to pay the  
additional cost of the inner boot kit if only the outer is broken. On  
*MY* car I end up dissasembling the whole thing so I can paint the  
axle while it's out, but thats just me.

-Cody Forbes

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