disassembling type-44 rear calipers

Ameer Antar antar at comcast.net
Wed Apr 25 00:24:27 EDT 2007

I know it sounds strange, but these are actually rebuilt calipers. I have to
take all the rubber seals out so that I can get them coated. I figure now or

-------------------- Original Message --------------------
From: Ben Swann [benswann at comcast.net]
To: antar at comcast.net
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Date: 4/24/07 3:28:29 PM
Subject: Re: disassembling type-44 rear calipers

 > I've gotton one or two out before, but it is a PITA and usually they are
> simply seized in there. Sometimes some good penantrant - not WD40, but
> instead use PB blaster which will help any rubber seals if not disintegrated.
> If you can get it out part way and work it back and forth. Then follow up with
> some lithium grease. You may get some more mileage out of the caliper, but
> IME, you'll need to replace sooner than later.
> Ben.
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 02:28:25 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Ameer Antar [antar at comcast.net]
> Subject: Re: disassembling type-44 rear calipers
> To: Kneale Brownson [knealeski at sbcglobal.net]
> Cc: Quattro List [quattro at audifans.com]
> Message-ID: [31331631.31177396105501.JavaMail.SYSTEM at jeves]
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Well, I was able to pull the snap ring out, but the threaded rod is still
> stuck
> in there. I bought a new snap-ring plier with reversible/ removable heads. The
> pliers were too wide to fit in the bore, but I used just the head and squeezed
> them with regular old pliers.
> It looks like there is a plate above the rod that holds it in, almost like a
> freeze plug. I sprayed some WD-40 in there and tried rocking the rod out of
> the
> bore, but no luck. I even installed the seals and piston and used air pressure
> hoping the pressure would force it out along with the piston. Unfortunately,
> all it did was separate the piston from the inner threaded section that holds
> the spring.
> Anyone actually done this before? What's the trick to taking out the center
> rod? Thanks.
> -Ameer
> -------------------- Original Message --------------------
> From: Kneale Brownson [knealeski at sbcglobal.net]
> To: Ameer Antar [antar at comcast.net], Quattro List [quattro at audifans.com]
> Date: 4/23/07 11:17:36 AM
> Subject: Re: disassembling type-44 rear calipers
> http://20v.org/brakere.htm%20covers  it.
> Ameer Antar wrote:Does anyone know how to take apart the rear brake calipers
> for a 5000? I need
> to take out the rubber seals before getting them coated, but the parking brake
> mechanism doesn't seem to want to come out after taking the spring out.
> There's
> a large snap-ring deep inside the piston bore; is this necessary to remove the
> parking brake mechanism? Also what kind of tool could I use on that? The
> snap-ring pliers I have are to wide and short to reach all the way into the
> bore. I haven't been able to find a set of long nose snap-ring pliers. Any
> advice is much appreciated.

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