[urq] Liquid penetrant test - 50/50 mix of ATF and Acetone beats Kroil etc.
Ingo Rautenberg
ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 10:36:42 EDT 2007
One other one I read about is the 'Candle Trick.'
Got this from one of the droF forums:
"The easiest and slickest way to deal with rusted-in bolts,
regardless of where they are is as follows;
1. find a candle....yes, an ordinary candle from the kitchen drawer
2. get a torch. acetylene or mapp work best, but propane will do
3. heat the metal AROUND the offending bolt as hot as is practical.
4. feed the candle into the threads untill the wax quits melting
5. repeat 3&4 a couple of times
6. use an easy out or a pair of pliers (if a stub is left...)
Quit cussing these situations and start acting like a hero because
you know this trick. most of the time, the bolts will come out with
finger effort! this uses the same principle as sweating copper
fittings, and will clean and lubricate the threads to the point that
removal is too easy."
Anyone tried it?
On Apr 27, 2007, at 9:17 AM, Ingo Rautenberg wrote:
> Ben,
> Interesting. I wonder what straight ATF would be -- it's an
> excellent penetrant by itself IME and as demonstrated to me by fellow
> lister Tim Hollister :-)
> Ingo
> On Apr 27, 2007, at 1:17 AM, Ben Swann wrote:
>> Subject: [MB] Liquid penetrant test
>> Here is some interesting info to test various liquid penetrants.
>> This was
>> taken from a machining site. Thought I would pass it along for your
>> consumption. This is from the Vintage Jap MC list.
>> The "test" was using a Baldwin compressometer set on 1200-pound
>> scale to
>> determine the load required to move a "dowel pin" on 6 identical
>> setups.
>> Since ASCII plain-text email tends to "move around", the three
>> columns which
>> follow may get messed up, but here goes...
>> Oil used_________________Avg load(Lbs)to move pin______price/oz
>> HomeBrew 50-50, ATF&Acetone______53___________________$0.10
>> Kano Kroil_______________________106__________________$0.75
>> Liquid Wrench____________________127__________________$0.21
>> PB Blaster_______________________214__________________$0.35
>> WD-40____________________________238__________________$0.25
>> none_____________________________516__________________$0.00
>> FWIW - I know what I'll be trying in a pinch.
>> Ben
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