Mobil 1 oil weight

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at
Mon Apr 30 18:04:07 EDT 2007

No, check bobistheoilguy forums. You're wrong. Mobil 1, in any formulation,
is NOT PAO based any longer.

Show me a current sample and spectrophotometry results to back it up like
the guys on BITOG.

The quote you have below- "Mobil 1 with SuperSyn uses high-performance
fluids, __including__ polyalphaolefins (PAOs)"

That's the big out- "including," meaning that it is not the only base, which
it used to be.


On 4/30/07, Ameer Antar <antar at> wrote:
> I think you're talking about Mobil Clean. Mobil 1 is still PAO-based.
> You're
> right about the GF designation, it's not the same as grouping. But I think
> anything based on PAO's will be group IV, and group V are ester based.
> Group
> III is regular oil processed to perform like PAO's. This is a pretty
> informative site:
> Just to be sure I checked with the Mobil website and here's the answer:
> Q: Is Mobil 1 with SuperSyn Technology a fully synthetic motor oil?
> A: Yes, it is. To meet the demanding requirements of today's
> specifications
> (and our customers' expectations), Mobil 1 with SuperSyn uses
> high-performance
> fluids, including polyalphaolefins (PAOs), along with a proprietary system
> of
> additives. Each Mobil 1 with SuperSyn viscosity grade uses a unique
> combination
> of synthetic fluids and selected additives in order to tailor the
> viscosity
> grade to its specific application.
> -------------------- Original Message --------------------
> From: Taka Mizutani [t44tqtro at]
> To: Ameer Antar [antar at]
> Cc: Quattro List [quattro at]
> Date: 4/30/07 2:48:00 PM
> Subject: Re: Mobil 1 oil weight
> No, Mobil 1 is not PAO based. You're about a year old on your info if
> you're
> showing that. That was the big news on bobistheoilguy forum last year.
> Pennzoil Platinum's original formulation was group V, never was group IV,
> now
> is group III, which is the same crap they call "synthetic" that is the
> basis of
> current Mobil 1, Castrol Syntec (exc. German Castrol 10W30) and pretty
> much all
> others save Redline and some other esoteric oils.
> I don't know what this GF rating you're talking about.
> Splitting hairs, I know, but I'm not spending $4-5 per qt. for "fake
> synthetic"
> oil- at that point, I might as well use whatever's cheapest. That's why I
> have
> a small stockpile of "real synthetic" oil that I use for the turbo
> engines.
> Once that runs out, the STi is getting Redline 10W30.
> Taka

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