
John S. Lagnese jlagnese at
Mon Aug 6 18:52:06 EDT 2007

I have been adding the 11S to my 91 200 TQ 20V. I now need to replace the 
hydraulic pump. Do I need to flush the system? The fluids may been mixed if 
the 7.1 was original fluid.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Schulz" <pcschulz at>
To: "Robert Myers" <robert at>
Cc: <quattro at>; <200q20v at>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: Pentosin

> Bob:
> May help a bit....
> -Peter
> At 02:24 PM 8/6/2007 -0400, you wrote:
>>Yeah, Peter, I've heard that, too.  Then why do the two products
>>share the identical Audi part numbers?  That very fact suggests that
>>Audi considers them identical.  Or at least close enough as to be
>>At 02:13 PM 8/6/2007 -0400, Peter Schulz wrote:
>>>You can use the 11s in a 7.1 system, but not vice versa per Audi tech
>>>no BTDT however
>>>At 01:55 PM 8/6/2007 -0400, John S. Lagnese wrote:
>>> >Hi,
>>> >Does the Pentosin 11s supercede the 7.1? Can I use the 7.1 in my
>>> 91 Audi 200
>>> >TQ 20V? I have checked online and I get both as part # G 002 000 as 
>>> >called
>>> >for.
>>> >John
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>>>-Peter Schulz
>>>Chelmsford Ma, USA
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>>>1991 90 20v Q Red
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