Ipod'ing an Audi

John S. Lagnese jlagnese at massed.net
Wed Aug 8 11:17:18 EDT 2007

Option 2 seems easiest.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <mboucher70 at hotmail.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 9:38 AM
Subject: Ipod'ing an Audi

> I'm looking for some ideas for integrating an Ipod into an Audi.  The 
> ribbon connecting the removable faceplate bracket to the Clarion CD player 
> failed for a second time and I'm thinking I should just replace the unit 
> now.  ( I replaced the ribbon last time--difficult solder job).
> I'm questioning the need for even a CD changer since really the source of 
> music will largely be an Ipod.  For the past 2 years, my setup had been to 
> run the L/R audio from the Ipod to the pre-in going to the rear speakers. 
> Since the rear speakers are amplified, by simply powering on the Clarion, 
> the amps for the rear speakers would be powered and would cleanly amplify 
> the sound from the iPod, with volume control from the Ipod.  If I needed 
> the radio or CD, it worked acceptably through the front speakers.
> Here are three different scenarios I'm currently considering:
> 1.) Re-Use Original Car Cassette deck as in above method:
> I could put back the original Audi cassette deck, and if I can figure the 
> wiring, send the Ipod to the rear speakers to be amplified as in the setup 
> above.  Its not elegant, but its probably the simplest and most cost 
> effective.  Moreover, I return to the 'stock' interior look, including 
> radio/dasboard light colors
> 2.) New Changer with AUX Input or even better, IPOD compatible
> With this option I can simply pick up a new player for $100 or less at 
> BestBuy and feed the Ipod through the Aux-In.  Some nice to haves with 
> this option would be:
> -A player that is fully ipod compatible, ie you can control the Ipod and 
> change tunes from the stereo
> -A player that has matching colors to the audi-orange/red dashboard lights
> -A player that is low in power consumption when turned off, since my Audi 
> model (Audi 100) continues to fully power the radio with the engine off, I 
> needed to remove the faceplate from my previous Clarion when the car was 
> off for extended periods, otherwise it would kill the battery within a 
> week it the car wasn't used.
> (Question: anyone have a recommended aftermarket player that they like or 
> that fits these needs?)
> 3.) Re-Use Original Car Cassette deck, modified to accept an Aux-in
> This is actually my preferred option.  I'd need to open the cassette and 
> figure if there is a seamless junction between the line level (from 
> cassette or radio) and figure out a way to soldier in an aux-in cable. 
> Might need to disable the cassette or the radio.  But this would allow the 
> Ipod to get sent through all 4 speakers.
> (Question: has anyone done this, and if so, can you give a hint as to 
> where to solder the 'aux-in' wires?)
> Options that I'd rather not consider:
> Connections to a stereo via FM Modulator or cassette adapter
> Replacing stock 'amp-ed' rear speakers with a conventional system.  I know 
> they're not high quality, but they've been good enough so far.
> Thanks to anyone for suggestions or thoughts on this subject
> Charles
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