B3 No start

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sun Aug 12 18:17:53 EDT 2007

The "clunking to a stop" could indicate a slipped timing belt.  Pull #1
plug, get the piston @ TDC (you can use a pencil or plant stake), check
the timing mark @ the bell housing and distributor alignment.  If things
look off pull the top timing belt cover and check the camshaft pulley for
It could also indicate a crossed wire, double check the firing order, I
KNOW you checked it when you put them on, but all it takes is a
distraction like someone bringing you a cup a Joe to make a mistake like
this...we've all done it, those that say they haven't, either don't work
on their cars or have repressed the memory.  ;-)
There are plenty of listers with much more direct experience with a 90Q,
I've had one for years (gave it to my son), but the thing has been so
reliable I've had to do very little to it (the JOYS of a standard
brake/steering system.)  They'll hopefully chime in with specific BTDT's.

As long as you didn't break any wires, zip tying the hall sender should
not be a problem, I had it snap on the 5KS and drove it for years without
a problem.  The initial problem may have been caused by a temp sensor
being disturbed.

Good luck, and keep us posted on what you find.

Disney World - a people trap operated by a mouse.

"Chris Talley" <talleycm at gmail.com> writes:
>  Okay I may be an idiot here, I have a no start condition And I 
> wanted to get some feedback.
> I have two issues that I am not sure are related. I changed my 
> radiator and afterwords I thought it was running funny, eratic idle, it
> while warming up, and while waiting at a stop light it really loaded up

> and would not rev up and blew some black smoke, then cleared up and ran
>  I had been having a missfire so I repalced the Plugs, Plug wires, 
> Cap and rotor, while stuggleing with the cap I broke the tab off the 
> electrical connection with 3 wires that connects into the distributor
next to 
> the rear Distributor cap clamp. It still seems pretty solid in there
and I 
> tried to secure it with zip ties. Any way it will not start there is a
> spark form the coil and a weaker spark from the plugs. It turns over
> doesn't seem to want to start and kind of clunks to a stop if it 
> turns over too  many times.
> ~Chris

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